A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

As the saying goes, “A picture tells a thousand words”,

Have you ever tried to insert one into your Word document and it just didn’t do what you wanted it to?

Pictures are a vital part of reports and proposals today.
They tell us so much more than words can say and often enable a moment, an idea or a concept to be captured and shared in a more meaningful way.

When communicating, a picture cuts through the words and presents and image that when snapshotted in our minds eye we never forget.

This month we explore what you must know about inserting pictures into Word documents.
Some of the tips will also work when you are working with pictures in Powerpoint.

Important Note:
If you are inserting pictures into your documents and presentations that have been taken by someone else – for example an image from the internet, be mindful that this may be infringing copyright.

If you are looking for images you can freely use – known as royalty free images (you pay a once off fee and they are yours to use forever) or simply free images, visit sites such as www.istockphoto.com, or www.gettyimages.com, to buy ones you can reuse at no additional cost of or try sites such as freedigitalphotos.net. or www.canva.com* or you can even start using your own images.

Inserting and Managing Pictures in Word

PDF Links


And here are the videos

Inserting and Managing Pictures in Word – MP4 Format
Inserting and Managing Pictures in Word– WMV Format

Invest just 5 minutes of your time to review this month’s pointer.
As I always say …. “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know!”

Feel free to share this post with anyone you think might find it useful.

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PS This is one of my own pictures taken on a recent trip to Washington DC. 

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