Change is Inevitable

We can either go with the flow or swim against the tide.
As we start moving back to what will become our new “normal”, you can put your head in the sand hoping things will look like the way they were. The saying is it takes 21 days to create a habit and 21 days to break one. Enforced lock down forced teams to create new habits. Some of them good, some of them bad and some….well time will tell.
What happens next matters. As staff return to work, managing engaged and connection, in person virtually or blended is going to be a work in progress. It requires looking at things through a different lens, the lens of the employee.
In a time where we are keen to return to work and get projects and tasks going again, consider what your team need to readjust to another shift in how they work. Do they need to increase their skills with Excel to create and automate faster, more efficient reporting, do they need support and mentoring, do they need resources to support their mental and physical health? You don’t know until you ask….the important thing is don’t just assume everything is OK with yet another change.
Want help getting your team connected and engaged as we shift into this new phase? Find out how Donna can help by visiting