
Productivity Expert Donna Hanson works with organisations and their teams to increase productivity, performance and profits with technology. Donna works in house or offsite in a conference or retreat environment to develop the framework they need to increase efficiency, productivity and performance whilst reducing stress, frustration and overwhelm with technology resulting in:

Happy high performing teams
Reduced staff turnover
Increased productivity
Increased collaboration
Reduced risk
Reduced negativity

Every one of Donna’s programs is customised to your team’s needs.

Our most popular programs include:
Email SOS – Do your team members seem to be on a different page? Are they struggling to meet deadlines or frustrated and stressed? Donna can help your team overcome the overwhelm of email with her customised Email SOS program.

“People are more productive when they know what the “rules” of email use are in your organisation…..when they don’t know what they are, they make their own up” Donna