Maybe it’s time we stop thinking technology alone is the key to productivity

Maybe it’s time we stop thinking technology alone is the key to productivity

Businesses look with hope when new software is released.

Could this be the ONE?

Software that truly delivers the turn-key productivity solution every organization dreams of?

As a veteran of over twenty years in both business and adult education and training, I think it’s time to let go of the mystical belief that software on its own will magically improve organizational productivity.

Technology is the mechanism by which corporate data is stored and categorized, but the productivity power lies in HOW an organization chooses to leverage it. 

Increased productivity doesn’t automatically happen simply by containerising data into a central location.  It happens when an organization combines data with activating and empowering its teams to sort and share information, and knowledge, for the benefit of the entire business, and not just an individual or their team. 

Activating and empowering an organization’s staff doesn’t miraculously happen as a result of a five-minute video from the CEO, an internal memo or a corporate conference.  It requires a strategic, collaborative approach over a sustained period to embed the change and not simply a directive.

The last thing an organization’s employees need is someone telling them they aren’t doing enough and need to do more.  

What steps are you taking today to activate and empower yourself and your team to boost productivity?

Donna Hanson is a productivity expert who works with organisation’s and their teams to increase productivity by getting them off technology and back to things that matter.

Follow Donna on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or subscribe to her YouTube Channel for regular productivity insights.

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