Some things can’t be unseen…

I recently received an email from a prospective client. They reached out to me via email seeking a quote for intermediate Excel training. Rather than send a generic email back containing pricing to fix a self-diagnosed problem, my preference when I receive an email like this is to pick up the phone and have a conversation.
I can’t quote on something when I don’t know what it is or what is needed to help fill the gap and solve someone’s problem.
I called the person, we had a great conversation. I prepared a survey to go out to the team they wanted to participate in training Based on the results we would then work out what they needed and the best way to deliver a solution. I asked to be cc’d into the communication to staff so I knew to monitor the feedback coming in.
When the email was sent out to the team I was disturbed when I scrolled down the email to find a statement about how they were only finding out what they needed and weren’t intending to proceed at all.
If you’ve ever sent out an email only to realise you’ve left something in, you’ll know that the Email Recall feature doesn’t really work. In fact, it makes it worse. It draws the receiver’s attention to the fact that they either got the wrong email or there was something they shouldn’t see in it. Once it’s sent and opened, some things just can’t be unseen. Sometimes it’s nothing major, but other times it can be devastating impacting on client or colleague relationships or losing deals.
It’s easy to minimise the risk of these types of things happening by delaying the sending of your emails, even by 5-10 minutes, giving you some “breathing” space to catch it before it goes.
So what have you communicated that you wish could be unseen, and more importantly, what are you going to do today to ensure that information you DON’T want others to see doesn’t necessarily get sent out?
Donna Hanson is a productivity speaker who specialises in working with organisations and their teams to increase productivity, performance and profits with everyday technology. Want Donna to help your team? Visit to find out how Donna helps or to get in touch.
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