Although I was aware of the principle because of my experience in adult education and training, when I started speaking at conferences and events, I remember one of my mentors Winston Marsh (www.winstonmarsh.com.au) always reinforcing WIIFM to anyone he spoke to. WIIFM is an acronym for what’s in it for me? It refers to fact that people are more likely to pay attention to what you are sharing or teaching them if they recognise what’s in it for me (meaning what’s in it for the audience). When I start preparing to customise a conference speech, or in-house training program, the …
Relax….you got this!
As many organisations are forced to work from home, the challenge can be for people who’ve never had to do this other than for a day or so. From a manager’s perspective, it’s important to do a few things to help your team feel more comfortable. Firstly, we need to get them to RELAX. This doesn’t mean sitting on the couch watching Netflix all day, but rather getting them to relax and understand that it’s fine to work from home, that they’re (and we) going to be OK. All we need to do is develop a new routine. Much like …