Constructive Communication
I was interviewed on breakfast television about managing email when I was asked an interesting question. It wasn’t scripted or planned and, in fact, I’d never been asked that question before. “How do you know if the tone of your email is correct?” the interviewer asked. I paused for a moment before answering “if you are asking yourself that question, it’s probably a sign that you should be having a conversation instead.” After the interview, I reflected on the question. In business today we have become so email focussed. Whether it is to “cover” us from being told off or …
How’s Your Communication?
I recently facilitated a work/life balance presentation for a client. I believe work/life balance isn’t final. That you don’t just achieve it and stay there forever. That it ebbs and flows as life changes and work alters and we need to be able to deal with all the physical, mental and emotional strains this places on ourselves and our teams. In a world of instant access, this simply means managing time and managing expectations – our own and others. However, one of the challenges with this is that we often apply our own expectations to other people and as a …
How to Communicate More Productively
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is credited with saying “The deepest desire of the human spirit is to be acknowledged.” I’m a big believer in communication without technology. That might sound strange coming from someone whose expertise lies in productivity with technology, but the “angle” I take is that just because we have technology doesn’t mean we should use it all the time. When it comes to communication and technology, here are some ideas to help increase your communication with others without relying on technology. Stop Using Emails to Communicate Everything I’ve never heard …