You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know!
When I present, I tell audiences “You don’t know what you don’t know!” It’s one of my favourite things to say because it genuinely taps into technology’s true intent and purpose. I love how it creates “light bulb” moments when, after a presentation someone shares what they learnt and tells me they didn’t realise they don’t know what they don’t know. Our knowledge is limited to our experiences and is different to someone else’s. When you close yourself off to learning you miss the opportunity to grow and be challenged. To me, “You don’t know what you don’t know” is …
The Snowball Effect
Technology was supposed to make it possible to achieve more, with increased productivity and less risk and stress. But instead, it has resulted in a “snowball effect,” and there is often an underlying sense that being overloaded or constantly struggling with your workload is normal. Learning how to produce a report more efficiently in Excel or automate a regular email helps making your day less stressful and also reduces the risk of errors. Sometimes making the investment of time, and sometimes money, upfront can end up saving you hours of stress and frustration. Don’t accept the “snowball effect!” A simple …