Vision – Planning

It’s the last day of 2018 and time to become visionary!
When people think of vision, they generally think of long term strategy, however vision can apply to our every day.
Vision is about PLANNING to be productive rather than HOPING to be productive or allowing the day to happen to you rather than be designed by you.
You can do this by identifying the key things you want to get done and focusing on achieving them, minimising distractions.
Extend it further by getting yourself and your team focused every day.
It may be as simple as keeping each other accountable for what you say you need to do this week or setting aside time to get it done together.
So what’s your vision for the week (and for 2019) and how will you turn it into a reality?
Need help with you own or your team’s vision?
Donna Hanson is a productivity and technology speaker and author of Ctrl + Alt + Delete – Reboot Your Productivity. Donna works with executives and their teams to increase productivity and performance with everyday technology. For more information on how Donna helps, visit