How’s Your Communication?

I recently facilitated a work/life balance presentation for a client.
I believe work/life balance isn’t final. That you don’t just achieve it and stay there forever. That it ebbs and flows as life changes and work alters and we need to be able to deal with all the physical, mental and emotional strains this places on ourselves and our teams. In a world of instant access, this simply means managing time and managing expectations – our own and others.
However, one of the challenges with this is that we often apply our own expectations to other people and as a result are setting ourselves up for disappointment.
What can you do today to ensure that your communications with your colleagues or team aren’t causing stress, but rather are a clear and open dialogue where everyone knows what the expectations are.
When individuals feel supported by their team or colleagues, they end up wanting to stay with your organisation. As a result they become happier, healthier people who feel engaged and as a result, the more productive.
That’s got to be good for business.
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