Abdicate Responsibility

I wonder if technology has made us abdicate responsibility for things?
When I’m on client’s sites, I regularly hear staff say, “I’ve sent an email about that and I never heard back.”
It’s not about abdicating responsibility.
Too often in today’s hectic world of information and data, we expect the technology to do the heavy lifting for us.
We need to drive it rather than letting it drive us and our time and moderate it like a curator of content.
It’s easy to send a quick email to asking a question or requesting information. Instead we should take time to consider the outcome we want to achieve, and recognise that when we ask somebody to do something, that doesn’t mean we abdicate our responsibility to follow up and ensure we get the information we need.
We need to think about application and use of technology and not abdication.
We need to think in terms of how we using technology to drive results rather than just giving people more things to do, more tasks that they need to complete things that they need to add to their never ending to do list.
Focus on one or two things that really matter in the business day that’s where true productivity lies.