When working with clients one of the things I often hear is that somebody used to do that but now they’ve left the organization nobody knows how to do it
Many teams forget the importance of making sure everybody is on the same page with every day technology like Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
The challenge occurs when someone leaves and nobody knows had fix something that was taken for granted that somebody did all the time.
Unfortunately what ends up happening is risk is increased and productivity drops as others try to complete the task that someone did easily and effortlessly on a regular basis.
So what’s the message?
The importance of knowledge sharing cannot be underestimated.
In effect it acts as insurance when something happens.
So what ‘insurance’ do you have to make sure you or your team are productive when someone leaves?
Need help to get yourself or your team productive with Microsoft programs? Pre order Donna’s new book ‘Ctrl+Alt+Delete Reboot Your Productivity’ now
Due for release March 2018