How Presentation Skills Impact on Your Own & Your Organisation’s Productivity – Lisa Braithwaite
Before starting her business as a public speaking and presentations coach, Lisa developed programs and training g materials in the non profit sector. Lisa has been interviewed in a wealth of publications in the US including the Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Wall Street Journal and on We speak with Lisa about how presentation skills impact on your own and your organisation’s productivity. …
5 Ways HR & L&D Professionals can engage employees in the process of change. – Marcia Xenitelis
Marcia is an acclaimed international professional speaker, author, consultant and coach. Her experience in understanding the difference between communication strategies that simply inform employees about what is happening and those strategies that engage employees in the process of change distinguishes her from her contemporaries. Marcia’s approach when working with organizations that want to realise the benefits of their business transformation programs and information technology investments is by conducting Change Management Health Checks. The purpose is to identify those Aha moments that will create a paradigm shift if how employees and leaders think about the change process. A change management health check …
Busy Brain Syndrome – How it is effecting you and your organisation’s productivity – Lucia Kelleher
Dr Lucia Kelleher has decades of experience as a business Improvement consultant, organisational psychologist, and behavioural neuroscientist. She specializes in behavioral change, how to adopt and prevent change relapse. Following her PhD, Lucia discovered Busy Brain Syndrome which she describes as the result of brain changes due to technology which has created to much information and “stuff” for the human brain to process. Busy Brain …
Why Email is Killing Productivity & What You Can Do About it – Donna Hanson
In this reverse Expert Insight’s interview, Warwick Merry interviews Donna Hanson, Productivity Speaker, Trainer and Educator. Donna is normally your host for the Expert insights Show, but this month we are flipping the table and talking to Donna about Email, why it is killing our productivity and what you can do about it. …
5 Ways to Ensure Happy Healthy Staff – Lisa Renn
Lisa Renn is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionalist with over 13 years experience in community health and private practice. She is a media spokesperson for the Dietitian’s Association of Australia and is committed to providing her clients with accurate and practical nutrition and lifestyle information to help them live their potential. She has made appearances on Channel 9’s “What’s Good for You” and “A Current Affair”. With so much talk about obesity, health and wellness in Australia, I thought it would be great to chat with Lisa to find out just HOW our own and our employee’s health should be …
Food Intolerances can Impact on your own and your organisation’s productivity – Tracy Shuckrath
A former event planner with her own food allergies, Tracy consults and educates clients and audiences to understand the real impact on personal and organisational productivity of food intolerances and allergies in the workplace. Whilst it may seem like more work, not considering them can impact on your own and your organisation’s productivity. …
How to Increase Your Productivity by Getting People to say Yes! – Lindsay Adams
Lindsay Adams is a speaker, workshop facilitator, and coach. For over twenty years Lindsay has worked both in Government Owned Enterprises and in his own businesses. Lindsay’s focus is on business relationship building strategies to underpin sales, enhance teams and create outstanding leaders. …
Communicating your Value to increase productivity, performance and profits – Pegine Echevarria
Pegine…if it is good enough for Oprah, Shakira and Madonna it is good enough for her! She is one of eight women and the first Latina to become a member of the Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame, other members include Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. Hispanic Business Magazine named her one of the top two Hispanic motivational speakers in the country. A former Bronx gang member she moved to Europe, to get out of the gang. In Spain she opened and sold two businesses at a profit by her 23rd birthday! In the states she rose from receptionist …
Vulture Cultures – How to stop them ravaging your organisation’s performance, people profit & public image – Leanne Faraday-Brash
Leanne is an Organisational Psychologist, speaker, coach and facilitator with extensive experience in leadership development, culture, change and workplace justice. Whilst Leanne consults in a range of areas, the common thread is the emphasis on improving organisational effectiveness and workplace climate for all staff to increase performance and promote organisational health and wellbeing. Leanne aims to help managers improve their organisation’s performance, profit and public image by working on “the tricky people stuff” …
How to Make Your Meetings More Productive – Kristin Arnold
Kristin Arnold is the president and founder of Quality Process Consultants. Kristin is passionate about teamwork, engagement, action and momentum. Kristin’s passion for teams is reflected in her writing, speaking, facilitation and consulting. She is the author of several books in the Extraordinary Team Series (Team Basics, Email Basics and Team Energizers), as well as a newspaper columnist and contributing author to a myriad of other team-based books. Kristin was one of the first female graduates of the United States Coast Guard Academy and the first woman stationed onboard the USCGC Buttonwood, a sea-going buoy tender. She parlayed her understanding of teams and teamwork with an …