How to Copy Worksheets in Microsoft Excel

How to copy worksheets in Microsoft Excel.
Firstly, let’s provide some context around how you might use this in a real life environment. For example, you have the same data on multiple worksheets that represents a week or a month.
When I mention copying and pasting I metaphorically see those perceiving themselves as “more advanced” with Excel rolling their eyes expecting a lecture reminiscent of a school teacher telling students to click here, then there, but never actually understanding what or why they are doing something.
Reality is, sometimes with Excel we expect things to be complicated not simple.
I’ve lost track of the number of times I have been shown the “long” way of how someone does something, only to show them a couple of quick steps that shaves minutes or even hours off the time it takes to do something.
Whilst a few minutes may not seem like much, on one task repeatedly undertaken, over the course of a year, this can add up to days of lost productivity that we assume is simply part of today’s working life.
Copying worksheets is one tip that can literally save you hours of time!
Watch this quick video as I show you how to copy worksheets
Now you’ve watched the short video on how I copy worksheets, ask yourself what worksheets you create that could be copied or duplicated in this way to save you time, stress and frustration.
Whilst it might seem simple, sometimes the simplest things, like learning how to copy worksheets in Microsoft Excel can have the biggest impact on productivity and efficiency.
Want the handout with step by step how to instructions on this plus four other tips? Sign up to my free 5 Microsoft Excel Tips eCourse here or take a look at one of my other courses via the Online Courses tab.