This time of year, many organizations go through the process of recruiting graduates or new starters in preparation for the new year.
The challenge for those interviewing is that the knowledge of new starters is subjective.
Unless your organisation ‘tests’ the skill level of candidates in some way, you assume their knowledge of everyday programs such as Word & Excel is at the ‘level’ they tell you.
I am often called in to organisations to work one on one with new starters or graduates who indicated their skills were at an intermediate or advanced level, but when they actually start working with organisational data they, or those who hired them, realize that they need help. Unfortunately, by then significant investment has been made in recruiting and on boarding.
If your organisation is going through this process you need some form of check or measure that quickly and efficiently identifies gaps enabling you to make more informed decisions about everyday skills.
To find out how Donna can help your new starters “graduate” into your business, visit www.donnahanson.com.au