How to Freeze Column or Row Headings in a Microsoft Excel Worksheet

How to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
When preparing to work with a firm of accountants I conducted our standard pre-session survey which enables us to customize programs to focus on the ideas and strategies that will enable those attending to fast track their productivity.

One of the questions I asked was “What is the 1 thing that if you knew it, understood it or felt it would make attending this session valuable to you?”
The response surprised me. The attendee simply wanted to know to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Also known as freezing panes, which basically means how to “lock” the column or row headings in a spreadsheet to ensure when you view it on screen the labels at the top of a list continue to display as you scroll down.
Now this attendee could have easily gone to Google or YouTube for the answer, but they had so much to do that they hadn’t found the time.
NOTE: This tip is particularly useful if you are like a lot of the organizations I work with who are analyzing and manipulating large volumes of data.
Watch this quick video as I show you how easy it is to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel worksheet when you know how!
Whilst Freeze Panes is a simple tip, sometimes it’s the simplest things that we waste time on. For tips like this, we don’t need to do intensive Excel training, we just want to find out how right now.
When I ask people what they do when they need help with Excel over 90% of the responses I hear are “I Google it”.
Whilst Google is awesome for finding things, there are two things it does. First, Google finds things…. Usually a million or more… then YOU have to work out how they apply to your workplace. Secondly, if you aren’t careful, you enter the Google “black hole”. You get distracted by other things and before you know it ½ an hour is gone! Or is that just me???
Make a note of where you could leverage knowing how to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel worksheet this tip, or better still, download the reference materials and step by step how to instructions on this plus four other tip. just sign up to my free 5 Microsoft Excel Tips eCourse here or take a look at one of my other Microsoft Excel courses via the Online Courses tab.