How to Keep Your Best People

According to Human Resources Management online, early in the new year is the time most people consider their careers and what they want.
In a survey of more than 10500 job changes they asked why people change jobs with 45 % saying it was for career opportunities.
Younger generations are siting recognition from leadership of their contributions and a better workplace culture as to why they move on.
The article outlines 5 no cost things you can do to help keep them your team happy.
As a professional whose focus is on productivity, one of my pet peeves is when I deal with someone who promises a report, an action, a response or information by a certain date and doesn’t deliver. I generally don’t care if something delayed, but if it is, I want to know about it. When I don’t know about it, I tend to make things up in my mind, but once you TELL me what’s going on, I’m generally OK.
When was the last time you let your colleagues or team members know what you value about them, Face to Face? With the volume of email we receive on a daily basis, face to face recognition is not the norm and makes you stand out as someone of character and respect.
In my opinion, like customer service, treating people as you would like to be treated is common sense, right? Just not always common practice.
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Donna Hanson is a productivity and technology speaker, trainer and educator. She is the CEO of Prime Solutions Training & Consulting a productivity training company. Donna works as a special advisor to help executives and their teams minimise time spent on technology to enable them to get on with business. For more on how Donna helps executives visit