How to Send an Individual Microsoft Excel Worksheet

How to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Whilst working with an executive, he told me that when he needed to send one of his team an individual worksheet of their monthly sales, he saved the existing file with a new name, deleted all the tabs he didn’t want them to see, saved it, then sent it.
When I showed him how to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet, without having to save it, it was a D’oh moment!
Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing that we make things harder than they need to be and we overlook the obvious.
Whilst the process of saving the file, removing unwanted tabs and then sending the email might have only taken a few minutes, doing it five or ten times, depending on the number of staff, could add up to a half hour or more each time they needed to send them data.
By using this technique, that changed from hours to minutes, reducing stress, frustration and risk and allowing the executive more time to focus on more important matters.
NOTE: This tip saves even MORE time if you are using Microsoft Outlook for your email!!!
Watch this quick video as I show you how to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet.
So what did you think of the short video on how to send an individual worksheet? Are there situations where this could be useful for you?
One of my favourite sayings is “you don’t know what you don’t know” but now you do!
Whilst it might seem simple, sometimes the simplest things, like learning how to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet can have the biggest impact on productivity and efficiency.
Want the handout with step by step how to instructions on this plus four other tips? Sign up to my free 5 Microsoft Excel Tips eCourse here or take a look at one of my other Microsoft Excel courses via the Online Courses tab.