It’s time to do something different

Don’t waste time and money sending your staff to training offsite!
No one liked going to school, so why do organisations send their teams to generic training programs??
Because it’s easy!
Much like sending emails, we send people off on programs and when they come back to the office and aren’t “experts” in something, then it’s not your fault, it’s their fault right??
As an educator who delivered generic one day training programs, I was saddened by the number of people who questioned their intelligence when they struggled to understand the applicability of topics we covered in a one day program in applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Whilst they learnt new concepts, the one thing missing was the relevance to their job, or “what’s in it for me” as a learner.
When people understand WHY they need to know or learn something and how it is going to make their live easier, chances are, they’ll “get it”.
One of the things I love about my work with clients is the excitement I see on a manager and their team member’s faces when they see how a simple tweak to a process or understanding of a tool can save them literally HOURS of stress and frustration.
I believe the future of workplace productivity doesn’t lie in generic training, but rather discovering new processes that make life easier for those doing the work. It’s about exploring what your team already know and who to leverage that expertise to improve workflow and collaboration and reduce risk in the process.
So what conversation can you have today that will change the future of productivity for your team?
Want help moving your team into the future? Donna Hanson is a productivity speaker, trainer and educator who is passionate about helping organisation’s and their teams increase workflow and collaboration with everyday technology.
Find out how Donna helps, visit