Personal Emotional Connection

When teams are connected and feel part of a plan, or like a family they are more productive. When in Las Vegas several years ago, I went on a tour of a company called Zappos. Zappos (Spanish for shoe) are renowned for their fun culture, “family” style environment and amazing staff retention.
Primarily an online retailer, Zappos induction process is lengthy and at the end, staff are incentivised to exit the business if they feel they aren’t a “fit” for the culture. Zappos figure it is cheaper to have someone exit the business early, than to exit the business in 12 or 18 months time.
The culture is one of fun and “family” whilst servicing customers. Staff are encouraged to make a personal emotional connection with customers when speaking by phone and call completion is based on customer satisfaction, rather than call length or speed.
Making a personal emotional connection within an organisation or team isn’t hard. It just requires attention and action. When we know our colleagues and team “have our back” and that we share successes, failures and support each other we are inclined to give more of ourselves and in turn be more productive.
What can you do today to create a personal emotional connection with your colleagues or team?