Quick and easy isn’t always quick and easy!

I recently received an email from someone who needed help with a drawing that had been done in Excel! I know, sounds strange doesn’t it? It was a floorplan. If I was creating this type of drawing, I would use software such as Visio, or even shapes and drawing tools in Word or PowerPoint, definitely NOT Excel.
The floorplan had been created by “someone who was no longer with the business” and the client was not going to be best served by suggesting they recreate it in another program. What they needed was a simple solution to their challenge which was the need was to “flip” text in a cell.
It wasn’t until I “saw” the file that I understood what they were trying to achieve. Within a matter of minutes, I was able to provide insights and an idea that solved the problem without the added time or expense of having to recreate the floorplan in another program.
It doesn’t matter how much information you get from Google, it just isn’t the RIGHT information. Google can’t interpret the nuances of YOUR circumstances like a colleague or another human being, but we go back to it because it’s “easy” and because today, we LOVE quick and easy.
Often, the answers you need aren’t found online. Instead they’re found in conversation. In sharing your challenge with someone (internally or externally) and trying possible solutions one at a time rather than having to sift through the million or more Google drops on us when we search!
Sometimes too much information is just TOO – MUCH – INFORMATION!
More is not always better, what matters is relevance to your needs.
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