How to Filter Multiple Columns at once in Microsoft Excel
When I work with clients I often seem them filtering data lists slowly one column at a time. When I show them how easy it is to filter multiple columns at once, it literally blows their minds! Check out how easy it is to do in the video I put together below. Want more Microsoft 365 Core Four (Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Outlook) tips? Subscribe to my free eNewsletter here or go to …
How to Save an Email
Ever had an email you wanted to save? Generally, you want to save it somewhere other than in Microsoft Outlook, well you can…. In the same way you can only open a Word document in Microsoft Word and an Excel spreadsheet inside Microsoft Excel, emails can only be opened inside Microsoft Outlook. However, there may be times where you want to save that email somewhere else, for example in a customer folder, or in a personnel file so all documentation such as proposals or in the case of personnel contracts are in the one location. Here is a super simple …
How to rename worksheet tabs in Microsoft Excel
It may sound crazy, but renaming worksheet tabs in Microsoft Excel can be a game changer. Especially if you share your worksheets with others. It makes it easier to find information and simplifies the process of finding the right data quick and easy for users who may not be as experienced as you with Microsoft Excel. To see how easy it is to do and why you would do it, check out this video I put together. Get more free Microsoft 365 core four (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) tips and shortcuts.Subscribe to my free monthly eNewsletter here. …
How to Find a Previous Version of a Word Document.
Ever worked on a document only to realize that the previous version of it was much better? Most people think if you edit a document, it changes the document for good. Well it does, but if your document is saved to either OneDrive or a SharePoint library, Microsoft 365 enables you to access various versions of the document based on time and date autosave. This is a handy feature if you are working on a document but decided that you want to go back to a previous version to review it, or to simply go back to it to start …
5 Tips to Improve Your Efficiency with Microsoft Outlook
First of all, let me clarify what Microsoft Outlook is used for. Microsoft Outlook is a software tool that enables emails to be sent and received, management of calendar and contacts as well as creation and management of tasks or things to be done. Given the sheer volume of email we receive on a daily basis in business, as a productivity speaker, trainer and course creator, I am regularly asked how to effectively plan your day so you get stuff done and don’t end up wasting your time dealing with other people’s problems or issues…..unless of course, that IS your …
How to Change the Color of a Worksheet Tab
Firstly, why should you change the colour of your worksheet tabs? Primarily, worksheet tab colors provide a visual cue that worksheets in an Excel file relate to each other, for example, team worksheets relating to a single department, data relating to a geographical location. Like anything in Excel, changing the color of a worksheet tab is easy when you know how. 1/ Right click on the worksheet tab you want to change the color of. 2/ Choose Tab Color 3/ Click the desired colour and the tab will change NOTE: To change multiple tabs to the same color at once, …