Have you ever been in a meeting that feels like a crowd of people in a public place, moving in all directions?
This week, I came across an excellent blog post from North American based Kristin Arnold.
The technology she highlights is accessible for little to no cost.
Used strategically, rather than just because it’s the “in” thing, many offer the ability to make your meetings and collaboration more productive.
If you are a regular meeting participant, take 5 minutes to read Kristin’s whole post here.
My Tip for Productive Meetings
Scheduling meetings, where possible, for 30 to 45 minutes instead of a traditional 1 hour.
Not only does it help focus, but it helps stop meeting “stretch”.
With only 24 hours in a day, for me and my clients, a short meeting is a good meeting.
Then we can get onto the next thing on our To Do List!
So what’s your tip for a productive meeting?