The Collegiality Framework

The Collegiality Framework

If you are having trouble with your team, getting them to connect or want to help them improve their productivity it’s really not that hard to get them back on track. 

All it takes is a little time any effort and really zero investment.

I’ve created The Collegiality Framework that I use with my clients.

Basically, it is a metaphorical circle where teams are brought together and encouraged to come up with about what working for them, what’s not working for them, and what they need help with as far their everyday technology use is concerned.

It’s not until you bring your team together in a collegiality format that start to realise just how much knowledge you have in the room.

The strength of The Collegiality Framework lies in the support we have from our work “family”.

The Collegiality Framework enables you to put in place a structure that are encourages your team to get together on a regular basis, share ideas and insights and grow together as a team to become more productive

Donna Hanson is a productivity expert who works with organisations and their teams to give them the know how they need to get back to the things they love.  Interested in chat to find out if The Collegiality Framework could work in your organisation?  Contact us on +61 39457 4745.  To keep up to date with Donna and her work, follow her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or subscribe to her YouTube channel.

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