Executive Presentations
Presentations Whilst it may not be top of an executive “what keeps me awake [every] night” list; preparing for, putting together and presenting presentations for shareholder or board meetings or pitches regularly turns executives into a sweaty mess. The pressure to get the message across in their designated time, in a fashion that doesn’t draw snores of boredom, nor require the magnifying glass of Inspector Watson to read, is heavy. Some executives outsource their presentations to a marketing team or support staff. Whilst it provides brand consistency, “on the fly” editing at 3am can be a challenge if you don’t …
Vision – Planning
It’s the last day of 2018 and time to become visionary! When people think of vision, they generally think of long term strategy, however vision can apply to our every day. Vision is about PLANNING to be productive rather than HOPING to be productive or allowing the day to happen to you rather than be designed by you. You can do this by identifying the key things you want to get done and focusing on achieving them, minimising distractions. Extend it further by getting yourself and your team focused every day. It may be as simple as keeping each other …
Collaboration – Mastermind
In 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote Think and Grow Rich. In the book, Hill wrote about the value of masterminds. All mastermind is, is a group of people that get together and share and collaborate for an express purpose of getting better. In educational terms there are a lot of similarities between a mastermind and a community of practice. In his book Workplace Learning, Principles and Practice, Robert W. Rowden suggests the following: …
Risk Management – Information Overwhelm
According to a 2018 www.forbes.com article, there is 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day. [https://tinyurl.com/y9owrda8] Whilst technology has been a part of our business lives for so long, organisations and their teams struggle with managing the sheer volume of information we receive daily. …
Communication – Nice, Need, Must Know
It’s easy to try to jam too much into your emails, but I use the M-N-N method when I’m emailing. The M-N-N stands for Must, Need and Nice. Often what happens when people write emails is they get like verbal diarrhoea. And they basically just take every thought that they have in their head and they jot it down and they click send! And then they wonder they get no response from the person they are sending it to or no action is done. It’s because nobody knows what you want them to do. We seem to be very quick …
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
The Rolling Stones sang you can’t always get what you want. When I start working with clients they often tell me they can’t get what they want with their Excel worksheets. It’s often as result of being too ‘close’ to the data. They know the outcome but either aren’t sure how to get there, or are missing one or more steps. Sometimes you need a fresh set of ‘eyes’ to provide some alternatives or options which can fast track your productivity. This of course is what you need. So if you can’t get what you want, maybe you should try …
Cumulative Gains
Recently I worked with a new team who were quite proficient with Excel. Our session provided them with the opportunity to fill their knowledge gaps, check in and see what their colleagues knew and provide the time and space to explore better processes and productivity gains. In our session together, I shared a range of topics designed to immediately impact on their personal productivity. One of my favourites is macros. When I introduce the concept of macros, I see “light globes” go off as people appreciate the power this tool has to fast track their common tasks. Even the more …
I’ve recently facilitated 10 days of training organisations in the Cook Islands. It’s a beautiful environment and one of the things I learnt was the importance of comfort. Now comfort means that when you are doing a task you feel more empowered, you feel in control, you feel not concerned that you’re going to make mistakes or that something is wrong. So whether it be you’re working in an Excel spreadsheet and you’re confident looking around of all formulas and you understand what the formulas are doing and you feel comfortable that the numbers in your documentation are correct. Whether …
I’ve recently facilitated 10 days of training organisations in the Cook Islands. It’s a beautiful environment and one of the things I learnt was the importance of comfort. Now comfort means that when you are doing a task you feel more empowered, you feel in control, you feel not concerned that you’re going to make mistakes or that something is wrong. So whether it be you’re working in an Excel spreadsheet and you’re confident looking around of all formulas and you understand what the formulas are doing and you feel comfortable that the numbers in your documentation are correct. Whether …
Are you really insured??
When working with clients one of the things I often hear is that somebody used to do that but now they’ve left the organization nobody knows how to do it Many teams forget the importance of making sure everybody is on the same page with every day technology like Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. The challenge occurs when someone leaves and nobody knows had fix something that was taken for granted that somebody did all the time. Unfortunately what ends up happening is risk is increased and productivity drops as others try to complete the task that someone did easily and effortlessly on a regular basis. …