I’m looking for help…

That’s what the message said.
In my presentations and in-house workshops, I regularly ask people where they go when they have a technology question. Aside from the one internal “go-to” person every organisation has, the answer I normally get is Google.
Whilst that is great, they often tell me they tried what Google said but they ‘couldn’t get it to work’, were unclear about the how, or it they couldn’t apply it to their situation.
So why do so many people go to Google for help when they often don’t get the answers they need?
1. It’s easy
2. It’s free
In today’s connected world we have no problem GETTING information. It’s the analysing and application that takes the time.
Whilst Google provides information, it cannot provide your environmental context.
Sometimes the answers we need lie in old fashioned conversations.
For the client looking for help, a dynamic conversation with ideas and insights from someone disconnected from the process was all that they needed to kick start a solution.
The challenge lies in talking rather than typing.
So if you aren’t getting the answers you need, try talking instead.
In our current situation it is made so easy with Zoom, Skype or Teams, give it a try, If you want or need some help, reach out and let’s talk!
Donna Hanson is a productivity speaker and trainer who works with organisations and their teams to leverage technology to increase productivity and reduce risk, stress and frustration on everyday tasks. She presents at in person or virtually at conferences, professional development days and in-house workshops. To see if Donna is the right fit for your next event or just to increase your team’s engagement and productivity right now, call +61 9457 4745.