Is it necessary?

Ever had one of those days or weeks where meetings and appointments just seem to be one after the other?
Regardless of whether someone is taking minutes or notes, there is often no time to reflect on what happened and your actions items. It can seem like you have no time to get any actual work done!
The default timing for meetings, particularly face to face, has traditionally been an hour.
Rather than schedule or participate in a regular meeting, if it is in your control it is worthwhile considering:
- Is the meeting necessary? If it is, could a mode other than face to face be utilized? Not only does this save travel time, but meetings via phone or video tend to be completed faster.
- The true ‘cost’ of the meeting. By that I mean, what is the salary cost of those attending the meeting, and what’s the opportunity cost (by being in the meeting what is it stopping participants from doing)? This can help determine if the meeting needs to be held or whether there are unnecessary participants.
- Is the ‘return’ on the meeting commensurate with the investment?
Whilst many meetings are necessary for business communications, getting things done and ensuring we are all on the same page, a lot just aren’t necessary.
If you are looking to maximize or regain some time, as you plan or review your meetings this week, consider the return on investment of your own, your team or colleagues time and ask is it really necessary?
You may even open a window of opportunity to get more done and increase your productivity this week!
Donna Hanson is a productivity expert who specialises in helping organisations get off technology and back to the things that matter. Find out how Donna helps by visiting or keep up to date with her productivity insights by following her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or subscribing to her YouTube channel.