How to Send an Individual Microsoft Excel Worksheet
How to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet. Whilst working with an executive, he told me that when he needed to send one of his team an individual worksheet of their monthly sales, he saved the existing file with a new name, deleted all the tabs he didn’t want them to see, saved it, then sent it. When I showed him how to send an individual Microsoft Excel worksheet, without having to save it, it was a D’oh moment! Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing that we make things harder than they need to be …
How to easily separate a single worksheet in Excel to email.
Don’t laugh, but I’ve worked with a client where they want to send a single worksheet in a file to a colleague. They would do a “Save As” and delete what they didn’t want their colleague to see. Whilst it does the trick, it’s not the most efficient or effective way to do it. In this video I share how to separate a SINGLE worksheet from an Excel file so you can easily send just that one worksheet to someone rather than ALL the data in the file. Take a look…. Like this tip? Get more by signing up for …
How to calculate the number of days between two dates
For some reason, many Microsoft Excel users think calculating the difference between two dates is difficult. It’s not when you understand a couple of tricks. Take a look at how to quickly and easily calculate the difference between two dates in Excel. Like this tip? Subscribe to my channel by clicking the link below or check out short course on How to Simplify Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel. Click here to find out more. …
How to save time and frustration with Microsoft Word tables
If you’ve ever inserted a table only to find you waste ages trying to resize the column widths, get the exact size you need or get the headings onto the next page? It can be so frustrating right? When I present at a conference or internal workshop, when I show people how easy it can be to work with tables they get so excited and so do I! Take a look at how easy it is to do when you know how! Sometimes it is simple things that can make all working with programs such as Microsoft Word easier. If …
How to automatically insert text in multiple parts of a Word document
As a corporate workplace trainer, I am often asked how to insert the same text in multiple parts of a document. So often we create a document inserting a piece of text, only to find we have to type it in again somewhere else. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you typed it in in ONE place and it automatically populated elsewhere??? Watch this video to see how. Like this tip? Take a look at my short course on How to Create Professional Documents in Microsoft Word. Click here for more information. …
How to “Flip” or Transpose Data in Microsoft Excel
Have you ever typed data into an Excel worksheet only to realise that rather than going across the sheet you should have gone down or vica versa? It’s easy to do, we are under so much time pressure to get things done. Rather than have to retype your data, Excel has a feature that enables you to quickly and easily flip or transpose your data to save you having to retype it! Watch this video to see how easy it is! If you found this tip useful why not subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button below. …
Dependency Trap!
When looking for information most people want an easy fix or quick answer so they can move on with what’s next on their to-do list for the day. If you have ever been out of the office for a day sick or on leave, you may have returned to emails from colleagues asking questions. As you scroll up the list of emails, it is possible you may find an email back from them to say they found the answer they needed. For many if you can’t find the answers immediately, the approach has become, do one of three things: Physically …
Make it Simple & Easy
Starting a new role there is generally some sort of induction. A number of years ago as a contract trainer I worked with a global consultancy firm training graduates starting with the business and experienced new hires in the organization’s use of email and database management with Lotus Notes. Graduates were taken through a full day program and experienced new hires a half day. The investment of both money and time was made in ensuring these new staff members had a strong understanding of how the infrastructure was used in the organization. These days, when a new employee starts, they …