The Power of a Mastermind

The concept of a mastermind has been around for centuries.
Our predecessors shared stories of events and activities with others which were passed down over generations.
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich credited the principle which he first learnt about from Andrew Carnegie, as a key to success in business.
It is common in business today, collaboration groups for business owners such as BNI (Business Networking International), executive teams and boards. However, the principle itself has been largely overlooked as a tool to be utilised elsewhere in organisations to aid in support, collaboration, engagement and retention of staff.
I was asked to present at an internal administrator network within a large public organisation. They met once a month over lunch to share ideas, learn new things and support one another. The administrators ranged from finance clerks to executive support staff.
The structured and regular opportunity to get together and support and grow as well as share challenges and ideas provided a framework for them to feel part of something. To know others were experiencing the same things and to work together through challenges and frustrations.
Each division contributed a small amount from their budget to this professional development initiative. It is held onsite and each year a small panel is appointed who are responsible for the schedule for the following year.
When teams are provided with a framework by which to come together and share their own ideas, their “brain” power is significantly multiplied.
It’s an easy thing to do, but can have an astounding impact on engagement, retention and collaboration.
Like help creating an internal productivity mastermind for your organisation or team? Donna works with organisations and their teams to build their capability, productivity and collaboration. Email to find out how Donna can help.