Time for Thinking

There are points where organizations tend to take time to reflect on the past and the future. Traditionally these are at the end of the calendar and/or fiscal year. But reality is, regular thinking time is great for productivity.
Management guru Peter Drucker once said “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection, will come even more effective action.”
In a world of 24/7 ON, we often make the time to reflect and observe our experiences, decisions and interactions. We are too busy moving onto the next item on our to do list.
It’s very easy to be busy all the time but taking time to reflect and think encourages our mind to pause amid the busyness of our day and examine what we have learnt.
But don’t just take my word for it, Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and Bill Gates both make regular structured time to just sit and think.
Whilst many of us may not oversee global organisations, making time to think provides the mind with the opportunity to disconnect from the busyness and provide a framework to push the reset button in readiness for what’s next.
Do you schedule regular think time?
Donna Hanson is a productivity speaker, trainer and educator who works with organisations and their teams to increase productivity, engagement and retention by leveraging technology. For more information on how Donna helps visit www.donnahanson.com