4 Common Reasons Why Staff Training Doesn’t Work
Ever been to a computer training program only to find you learn eight topics, with generic exercises, have a great lunch but walk away none the wiser about what to do with your newfound knowledge? You aren’t alone! As a professional speaker, trainer and educator in the corporate computer productivity space for over twenty-five years, I used to facilitate those programs. Participants would arrive filled with hope that the program could be the missing piece that would make them more productive or skilled with a computer software program. The course they attended was based upon their own or their organization’s …
It’s all in the preparation
I’ve been speaking, training and consulting for over twenty years and one of the things that still surprises me is the comments I get from participants about my presentations. I’m regularly told “gee you make everything seem so easy”, or “how do you remember all that?”. There is no real secret to presenting, making things look easy or remembering things. It just takes practice. I recently presented a program for a client to educate their organisation on some new software. I was familiar with the programs and whilst I could have just turned up and spoken about the programs to the audience, …
Productivity isn’t always about adding more
When it comes to productivity, the last couple of years have taught us that being productive doesn’t mean we have to be in a physical office. The pandemic improved productivity for many, cutting out travel time to and from the office every day. Making meetings shorter with less travel time and shorter meetings. It gave us back extra hours to spend with family or doing tasks otherwise put off to evenings or weekends or working on projects we never seemed to have the time to start. Although it was strange at first, we adapted, because we had no other choice. …
How to get more work done in less time
Stop Doing Things When I present Microsoft Office productivity sessions to clients staff always ask how to get more work done in less time. Everyone THINKS the way to get more done is to add more, but that often makes things worse! One more thing, to learn, manage, do or remember. Think about the start of every new year. So many people make resolutions to DO or ADD something, like lose weight or get fit. But I’m suggesting if you want to get more work done in less time, don’t ADD to your workload of tasks, try SUBTRACTING! Consider what …
How to easily create surveys or gather feedback.
I’m often asked if it is possible to create a Google Forms style form within the Microsoft suite of products. The answer is yes! It’s called, wait for it….Microsoft Forms and it is free if you have a Microsoft 365 account. You might be wondering how you might use Forms…. If you have ever wanted to survey clients or customers for their insights or gather feedback or testimonials then Microsoft Forms could be just what you need. What you need to know about Microsoft Forms Microsoft Forms isn’t a desktop program. The only way to access it is though logging …
How to get more productive
Want to know how to get more productive? Start by learning to switch OFF! In a world of 24/7 connectivity, it can be hard to switch off. But in the same way our body needs sleep to recharge and regenerate, our mind needs time to be disconnected from technology. Make TODAY the day you decide to start switching off! This can be as simple as choosing not to check emails after 5pm on weeknights; or not checking email on weekends. It provides an opportunity for your brain to be disconnected from technology and for your thinking and to be exposed …
How to Manage Emails
As a Microsoft Office productivity speaker, trainer and educator I am regularly asked in today’s 24/7 connected world, how to manage emails? One simple way is to set up Rules in your email program to streamline what arrives or stays in your inbox demanding your attention. If you’ve not used Rules in your email program you are missing out on an awesome opportunity to automate common tasks! Instead of having to deal with emails when they arrive in your inbox, email rules sort and act on your email based upon criteria you set. Want to file all newsletters in a …