Prime Productivity Pointer – Fitting an Excel Spreadsheet to a Single Page
Each month I send out an email with a quick video tip or shortcut to increase productivity with Microsoft Office. Often there are little frustrating things that happen in Word and Excel that, whilst small, if you have to do them regularly that 5-10 minutes adds up over time. Did you know that if you fast tracked a task in Microsoft Office and saved 5 minutes a day, across the course of a year that equates to over 1000 minutes or 16hrs! One of the common things we hear from clients is they simply don’t have enough time to get …
Banning Email After Business Hours
Great article in the Harvard Business Review on whether employers should ban email after hours. Having technology at our fingertips to access email 24/7 means many people find it tempting to check emails in their down, family or recharge time in an effort to remain “in control”. Reality is, as soon as you deal with what’s there, more comes in. This article explores the importance of understanding why we use mobile technology. Harvard Business Review My thoughts? For too long technology designed to increase productivity has been used without any guidance. The result, rather than save time, more work is …
Should Businesses Plan to hire More in Next Three Months?
Credit Reporting body Dun & Bradstreet recently released Q2 2014 Business Expectations Survey Results indicating more businesses plan to hire staff in the next three months. I wonder if this is a reactionary approach businesses take in response to increased workloads and pressure from government, unions and the like to create more jobs?? I believe before organisations simply recruit for more staff, they need to take a good long look at internal process improvement. Common technology such as Microsoft Office and Open Office, offer organisations the ability to automate and streamline documentation within the business, thereby reducing risk and unlocking …
Have You Bought Into the Technology Myth?
What is The Technology Myth? The Technology Myth is simply a belief that adding new technology such as software or hardware to an organisation on its own holds the magic key to unlocking productivity in the business and opens the floodgates to increased profits. Reality is this is far from the truth. Although a majority of society would view the latest diet or weight loss supplement with an air of skepticism, the same doesn’t apply to technology. On a consulting assignment with an organisation we were asked to “train staff” in how to use new video conferencing technology. To determine …
Clean Out Your Inbox Week!
Fantastic productivity initiative by Steuart Snooks, Marsha Egan & Monica Seeley – Clean Out Your Inbox Week. My take on it is covered here in Day 1 Listen & Watch the Slide Share Want tips and shortcuts to increase your productivity with technology? Sign up at …