Don’t Just Do It!
In our world of 24/7 connectivity, increased expectations and rush to get “stuff” done, we often go for quantity over quality and when we do, we take risks. Berkshire Hathaway Founder and investor Warren Buffett is quoted as saying: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it”. I agree, but with technology at our finger tips we often take on the Nike mantra “Just Do it!TM ” in an effort to get through the increasing volume of “stuff” to get done, when reality is, we should be focusing on the quality of our actions. …
Presenting to Persuade
I first heard of WIIFM from one of my Australian mentors Winston Marsh. It stands for “what’s in it for me?” It’s often a measure by which people make a choice about whether to do something or not. For example, what is the payoff or what do I get in return? When I work with organisations and their teams to help them leverage Microsoft PowerPoint to present internally or externally, I always raise WIIFM x 2 as a foundation piece to think about BEFORE planning a presentation. When presenting information in a business context most people consider WIIFM to be …
Plan Your Week For Success
Recently, whilst planning my activities for the week, I started thinking about a CNBC article I read last year that referenced an Arianna Huffington interview with Malcom Gladwell. In the interview, he shared that he is at his most productive in the first three hours of the day. Author, Daniel Pink in his book, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, shares the concept of determining our most productive hours of the day based on a concept, Larks, Owls and “Third Birds”. Larks those at their most productive in the morning, owls at night and “third birds” as those in …
Minimising the Excel Risk
Clients often come to me looking for help with a new staff member. The scenario is usually the new staff member, when asked in the interview process about their level of skill with Excel, responds that they at an intermediate or advanced level. Whilst decisions about whether to employ someone or not don’t normally rest solely on the response to this question, for a manager, it can be frustrating to have to re-train a new hire in order to get them to the level they need to be at, to do the job they have been employed to do. Not …
Trust in Your Body of Work
In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell outlines the 10,000 hour rule. The principle is that 10,000 hours of practice is what is needed to become world class in any field. For many executives, their knowledge or expertise in their industry probably exceeds this. Yet, when it comes to presenting information or a pitch to a board, shareholders, clients or other influencers, it can be challenging to determine what to include and what not to include. Whilst recently working with an executive to prepare a regular presentation that had become “tired”, instead of talking about what to INCLUDE, we spoke about …
Drive Change in Your Team
It can be pretty tempting to blame software, or other people for the reasons why our we don’t do what we want to do. Reality is the only way to get better and drive change to increase productivity, performance and profits and reduce risk, stress and frustration is to drive change ourselves. Many executives think that they key to getting more done is to do more, but where does it stop? Most executives I coach on productivity with technology don’t need to know a lot. They just need to make a change. It’s generally not a big change, just a …
Executive Presentations
Presentations Whilst it may not be top of an executive “what keeps me awake [every] night” list; preparing for, putting together and presenting presentations for shareholder or board meetings or pitches regularly turns executives into a sweaty mess. The pressure to get the message across in their designated time, in a fashion that doesn’t draw snores of boredom, nor require the magnifying glass of Inspector Watson to read, is heavy. Some executives outsource their presentations to a marketing team or support staff. Whilst it provides brand consistency, “on the fly” editing at 3am can be a challenge if you don’t …
Vision – Planning
It’s the last day of 2018 and time to become visionary! When people think of vision, they generally think of long term strategy, however vision can apply to our every day. Vision is about PLANNING to be productive rather than HOPING to be productive or allowing the day to happen to you rather than be designed by you. You can do this by identifying the key things you want to get done and focusing on achieving them, minimising distractions. Extend it further by getting yourself and your team focused every day. It may be as simple as keeping each other …
Risk Management – Information Overwhelm
According to a 2018 article, there is 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day. [] Whilst technology has been a part of our business lives for so long, organisations and their teams struggle with managing the sheer volume of information we receive daily. …
How to Boost Your Focus, Memory & Productivity – Nishant Kasibhatia
Nishant Kasibhatla is a professional speaker, corporate trainer and an author. He is a Guinness Record Holder (2011) and has worked with organisations such as Oracle, American Express, Qatar Airways and Petronas delivering presentations that are mesmerising, memorable and message driven. He has over two decades of experience and has worked with companies, schools, students and individuals in over 19 countries and 5 continents. …