You really don’t need to know EVERYTHING!
When I first start speaking with groups of people I was often asked “tell me everything I need to know about Excel” I have a bit of a chuckle every time I hear this. A lot of people think it’s about the volume of things you know about an Excel that will automatically make you more productive Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you want to be more productive sometimes it is better to go back to the basics. What are some of the common things that you’re no longer doing, or that you’d forgotten about …
What’s Your Code?
There’s no shortage of apps programs and tools to help you increase your productivity, but in order to increase our productivity I suggest we go back to the simplistic. That is having conversations with colleagues and agreeing on a code of conduct. What is a code of conduct? In terms of email it is simply a shared understanding of how you going to use email. Creating a code of conduct provides framework of expectations so we all know what the rules are. Common items such as we no longer going to send thank you emails internally, which for one of …
It can be easy
The very technology that was supposed to make our life easier has in fact created another layer of complication, more work, more stress, more frustration. If that’s a sign of your world today, maybe what you need to do is stop, sit down and think about what are the 1, 2 or 3 key things that would make a difference for you? Is it Word? Is it the fact that you have repetitive documents and you’ve never made the time to sit down and create some templates? Is it Excel? Where you keep working on an existing spreadsheet but you …
Save Yourself Stress
In our world today where we are so busy one of the best things that you can possibly do with any of your Word documents or Excel spreadsheet is to take time to make time. So what do I mean by take time to make time? We often are so busy just throwing things together we don’t think about the bigger picture. We don’t think about what we might be needing to do with this document or how we might want others to access or use it. Sometimes just taking a few moments to think about who is going to …
First Impressions
I’m often told by clients “I don’t need help with Microsoft Word”, well let me ask you a question, when was the last time you looked at a document and found a spelling mistake and all of a sudden you made a decision that you weren’t going to deal with that company, that’s of course if you had a choice! Now these days, so many judgements are made upon every first impression, so what’s your documentation saying about you and your organisation? Are you struggling with spacing out your documents, keeping them consistent etc. You can even use simple tools …
I’m often asked by clients how can you increase productivity without having to attend a full day training course. Well here’s my quick tip for you. In business the natural tendency is to look outside the organisation for answers. But many of the answers actually lie within. After all no one, not even Google, knows your business like the people who work in it. One of the best things you can do is stop Googling for answers and start talking to your team to find out what they know and how you can help each other. Don’t make the assumption that …
What Every School Administrator Needs to Know about Microsoft Word
What Every School Administrator Needs to Know about Microsoft Word & Excel 2016 I’ve just released an online course SPECIFICALLY for school administrative staff. $97 per person, but until 30th June it is only $37 For more information go to …
Technology for Effective Meetings
Have you ever been in a meeting that feels like a crowd of people in a public place, moving in all directions? This week, I came across an excellent blog post from North American based Kristin Arnold. The technology she highlights is accessible for little to no cost. Used strategically, rather than just because it’s the “in” thing, many offer the ability to make your meetings and collaboration more productive. If you are a regular meeting participant, take 5 minutes to read Kristin’s whole post here. My Tip for Productive Meetings Scheduling meetings, where possible, for 30 to 45 minutes instead …
Prime Productivity Pointer – Inserting Today’s Date
When I ask people how they find the answer to a challenge in Excel or Word, I commonly hear the response “I Google it.” Whilst Google is great it has its challenges. Firstly you need to KNOW what you are looking for – sometimes you know the outcome you want but not the technical term and secondly, when you find the answer, your problem is solved, but reality is there are probably 2 or more colleagues looking for the same answer who will potentially go through the same process. So what’s the answer….share the knowledge with your colleagues. So if …
Walking Meetings….
With so much of the average office worker’s time sitting, at a desk, in meetings, on a train or bus, in a car, is it any wonder we have seen a rise in back complaints. The last few years have seen an increase in standing desks in the workplace as sitting (well too much of it) is now being viewed as the bad for your health. According to a Huffington Post article this week, the next step is walking meetings. Probably not a replacement for larger meetings, but great for one on one conversations. Researchers at Stanford University say walking leads …