How to easily create surveys or gather feedback.
I’m often asked if it is possible to create a Google Forms style form within the Microsoft suite of products. The answer is yes! It’s called, wait for it….Microsoft Forms and it is free if you have a Microsoft 365 account. You might be wondering how you might use Forms…. If you have ever wanted to survey clients or customers for their insights or gather feedback or testimonials then Microsoft Forms could be just what you need. What you need to know about Microsoft Forms Microsoft Forms isn’t a desktop program. The only way to access it is though logging …
How to get more productive
Want to know how to get more productive? Start by learning to switch OFF! In a world of 24/7 connectivity, it can be hard to switch off. But in the same way our body needs sleep to recharge and regenerate, our mind needs time to be disconnected from technology. Make TODAY the day you decide to start switching off! This can be as simple as choosing not to check emails after 5pm on weeknights; or not checking email on weekends. It provides an opportunity for your brain to be disconnected from technology and for your thinking and to be exposed …
How to Manage Emails
As a Microsoft Office productivity speaker, trainer and educator I am regularly asked in today’s 24/7 connected world, how to manage emails? One simple way is to set up Rules in your email program to streamline what arrives or stays in your inbox demanding your attention. If you’ve not used Rules in your email program you are missing out on an awesome opportunity to automate common tasks! Instead of having to deal with emails when they arrive in your inbox, email rules sort and act on your email based upon criteria you set. Want to file all newsletters in a …
How do I get more productive?
As a Microsoft Office productivity speaker, trainer and educator I am regularly asked how do I get more productive? One simple way is to change your email program to open in Calendar View instead of your inbox! Ever finished your workday only to feel like you haven’t got anything done? Or perhaps you have opened your email, started reading and responding only to find an hour later you are late for a meeting? If that’s the case, it’s likely you are allowing other people’s priorities, rather than your own, to drive your working day. Research on The Cost of Interrrupted …
How to get more done at work
As a speaker, trainer, and educator in Microsoft Office programs my clients regularly ask how to get more done at work. Whilst I can’t magically produce extra hours in a day, this simple tip, depending on how many meetings you have each week, could easily save you an hour or more! Change the length of your meetings. Sounds simple and it can be…here’s why. Meetings have generally been set at a default 60 minutes long.Parkinson’s Law states that the amount of work expands to fill the available time. So, if a face-to-face meeting is scheduled for 60 minutes, generally it …
5 reasons why people aren’t responding to your emails and what to do about it
As a Microsoft Office productivity speaker, trainer and course creator, I’ve worked with businesses in all industries, and I’m often asked, “Why don’t people respond to my emails?” Although there are many reasons, here are five of the most common reasons I have found as to why people may NOT respond to your emails and, more importantly, what to do about it! If you want to get more productive with Microsoft Outlook or any of the Microsoft 365 Core 4 (Excel, Word, Outlook or PowerPoint), subscribe to my regular eNewsletter and also a receive a copy of my 39 Microsoft …
How to Freeze Column or Row Headings in a Microsoft Excel Worksheet
How to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. When preparing to work with a firm of accountants I conducted our standard pre-session survey which enables us to customize programs to focus on the ideas and strategies that will enable those attending to fast track their productivity. One of the questions I asked was “What is the 1 thing that if you knew it, understood it or felt it would make attending this session valuable to you?” The response surprised me. The attendee simply wanted to know to freeze column or row headings in a Microsoft Excel …
How to Change the Same Cell on Multiple Microsoft Excel Worksheets
How to change the same cell on multiple Microsoft Excel worksheet. Many of the executives and teams I work with have spreadsheets where data is the same across multiple worksheets. At times there are changes that need to be made on every single worksheet. If there is only one or two, that’s easy, but if you have 10, 12 or more it can be time consuming. The next tip enables you to make global changes in your worksheet to the same cell in every worksheet selected. This has proved extremely useful for clients who want to duplicate a file for …
How to Easily Create a Graph or Chart in Microsoft Excel
How to easily create a graph or chart in Microsoft Excel. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Graphs can be particularly challenging, but with a few little tips, a visual representation of your Excel data can totally change how your reader understands and analyzes the information you are presenting. When I work with executives and their teams, this simple tip can save them hours of stress and frustration, particularly when they need to create a graph minutes before going into a client pitch or board meeting. Whilst this tip will cover creating a simple graph, for one …