Take the Lead
Einstein is credited with saying the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Sometimes in business we expect change to come from above and feed down The easiest way to change is to take the lead. You take the lead and lead by example. This might mean responding to emails at a particular time of the day or encouraging others to call you or meet with you rather than sending you emails randomly When people see you leading by example and your productivity increase they naturally want to follow along …
One of my favourite self-care items is to have a massage. To me there’s nothing better than having a muscle stretched, rubbed and massaged to release tension. This got me to thinking about how massage applies to how we use everyday technology such as email, Word & Excel. We often get tight and constricted in our approach to doing things. It could be that we scared to do something different in case we get it wrong, or perhaps we don’t feel we have time to explore other options. Every now and then we need to take time out to massage …
I delivered a program recently on presenting with Powerpoint. It was a combination of tips and shortcuts and lifting your presentation skills to some tips on actually presenting and using Powerpoint as a tool or presenting in general. Often when you are in a sales team, it can be a challenge. You’re just given product knowledge and maybe a computer and a template and told to go out and present. Often there’s not consistency. Yesterday I found out that this particular organisation they had a style guide, but they didn’t know what it was or where it was. So I …
Jigsaw Puzzle
Often when working with Word documents and Excel spreadsheet it can feel like a jigsaw puzzle. There are pieces missing and you know it would make life a lot easier if you knew the missing piece, but you don’t know what you don’t know. The challenge is constantly finding the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to enable you to fast track your productivity. Rather than struggling trying to find the answers, the best thing you can do is ask your colleagues what the answer might be. You might be surprised to know that some of your colleagues actually know a lot …
Documentation Consistency
Recently I was in the fabulous Cook Islands presenting to various groups on technology related topics to help them work Smarter and not Harder with Microsoft Office products. So I was working with people on email management and what I realised at the end of the session when I had someone come up to me and say we need you to come in and we want you to come in and do the same program with all of our managers. It made me realise the importance of consistency. What happens in many organisations with email is you are given an …
Breaking Old Habits
When I present to organisations one of the things that I always hear is people say “Oh my goodness, if only I’d known that a day, a week, a month ago. Sometimes we do things the long way. And we do things the long way for number of reasons. The first reason might be maybe when we first started in our role somebody showed us how to do the process and we just followed it rote. So we just followed the same processes but we don’t actually know why we’re doing them, we just do them because that’s what we’ve …
What’s Changed?
Ever been stuck in a rut? Finding yourself doing the same thing every day, knowing there must be a better way but having no time to consider other options or dismissing doing something different because the current process works? Stress and frustration are prevalent in today’s business world. According to a survey by Australian Heath insurance provider Medibank Private (The Cost of Workplace Stress) it’s costing the Australian businesses $14.81 billion a year. I presented some programs recently in the Cook Islands. I was demonstrating how to quickly create a graph when I heard one of the participants audibly gasp …
What’s an Induction??
When I began working, people starting in an organisation used to go through an induction process. For larger organisations an induction was often a whole or half day. For small organisations it’s was as simple as a quick walk around the building and maybe shadowing a colleague for a day or more. However many organisations are actually skipping the induction process entirely. Purely because they so busy they need to get new staff started. The problem occurs further down the track when someone does the ‘wrong’ thing. Maybe it that they haven’t used the organisational branding in a Word document …
Email Overload
I wanted to share some quick tips to help you get in control of your email in preparation for going on annual leave. Whilst most people are familiar with out of office feature in email programs, here are a couple of ideas to ‘educate’ those who email you before you go on leave and create expectations that won’t leave you returning to work and spending hours catching up. 1. Email Footers About six weeks out from annual leave I create an email footer to start educating the people I send and receive email from that I will be away. The …
Graduating into Business
This time of year, many organizations go through the process of recruiting graduates or new starters in preparation for the new year. The challenge for those interviewing is that the knowledge of new starters is subjective. Unless your organisation ‘tests’ the skill level of candidates in some way, you assume their knowledge of everyday programs such as Word & Excel is at the ‘level’ they tell you. I am often called in to organisations to work one on one with new starters or graduates who indicated their skills were at an intermediate or advanced level, but when they actually start …