Distraction is not just a business problem, it’s a life problem!
How we deal with distractions now will set the stage for how we cope when exposed to more distraction. We build resilience to respond to bounce back from events such as lost opportunities, cancellation of an event, but we need to build resilience to technology distractions and over exposure. Technology is designed to create engagement but not necessarily engagement that makes us productive, its often engagement designed to keep our eyeballs on technology! What are you doing to ensure you and your team are not distracted and are focused on your targets and goals?? Subscribe to Donna’s monthly eNewsletter at …
Here to help….
The last twelve or so weeks have required everyone in business to think outside the box and get creative. For some of my clients transitioning to work from home was not too challenging. For others it required unexpected investment and adaptability to ensure business continuity. As a speaker, trainer, and educator it’s been a time of change. Despite the circumstances, it has presented an opportunity to step back. To explore at a much deeper level more sophisticated ways of serving clients. Rather than continuing to do the same thing because we’ve always done it that way, changing circumstances have required …
The Power of Connection
Business today has come to rely on technology for so much, but we can’t rely on it for everything. Technology helps streamline and make easier sharing and collaboration of data, but it doesn’t replace the emotional connection of conversation. Beyoncé, Oprah and The Rolling Stones recognise the importance of connection. Whilst technology can distribute their music and message to a global audience, these performers recognise nothing beats the experience of a live concert to create connection. It binds those present. It creates community and a shared experience that is multi-sensory and dimensional. Feeling connected and part of a community via …
What’s changed for you?
The last few months have required stepping out the box and getting creative. New and existing clients and connections have reached out with a view to sourcing programs, ideas or tools to help support their teams both in the transition to work from home, and to keep them engaged and productive as we move back into the workplace. Some of the ideas I’ve pitched to clients didn’t fly, but others have and have expanded, not just what my team and I can offer clients, but have ripped apart any limiting pre-conceptions about how we serve our clients and community. The …
New Normal
Interesting perspective in this Forbes article. In my twenty plus years as a corporate speaker trainer and educator, I have seen a lot of trends. Companies spending millions of dollars on customised solutions that do not achieve the financial benefits promised in the business cases sold to boards and executives. A colleague of mine, Dave (thanks Dave!) once told me, people want the “ab-cruncher” solution to their problems. In a time poor world, individuals and organisations want the outcome of the ab-cruncher, the six pack wash board stomach, but many aren’t always prepared to make the time, or put in …
Don’t be Scared!
So many of people are afraid…. they are afraid of making mistakes! In business and in life we have long been conditioned not to make mistakes. That making a mistake is bad. But what if we instead of viewing them as mistakes, we viewed them instead as learnings, I know that metaphor has been around for a long time, that’s “there’s no such thing as failure, it’s simply learnings. Thomas Edison when asked about his failed attempts at perfecting the light globes has been said to have answered that he did not fail, that in fact he had merely identified …
Why do we over use technology?
Is it because it’s easy? We tick a metaphorical box and move onto the next thing making actioning or responding to what we’ve just sent now someone else’s problem. The electronic equivalent of ‘passing the buck’ I think it’s time to challenge the way we do things because that’s the way we’ve always done them. We used to fax things now we email them it’s faster, more cost effective and provided the ability to send one to many. But just because we have the technology doesn’t mean we HAVE to use it for everything. When was the last time you …
Change is Inevitable
We can either go with the flow or swim against the tide. As we start moving back to what will become our new “normal”, you can put your head in the sand hoping things will look like the way they were. The saying is it takes 21 days to create a habit and 21 days to break one. Enforced lock down forced teams to create new habits. Some of them good, some of them bad and some….well time will tell. What happens next matters. As staff return to work, managing engaged and connection, in person virtually or blended is going …
The right place at the right time.
Often clients have staff who participate in several programs with similar content. With so much information available today, we can’t possibly retain everything. Sometimes we need to hear something two or three times before we make the connection to how it can help or perhaps the first time they heard it, they didn’t have a need and now they do. It’s not that they don’t pay attention, it’s just there’s so much for all of us to sort through, often what’s important isn’t obvious, there are no red flags waving ‘Hey, you need to remember me’. Sometimes we need to …
You’ll always find someone on the phone at parties
In 1978, Jona Lewie released a song called You’ll always find me in the kitchen at parties! I think today, it that song would be You’ll always find people on the phone at parties! I went to a friend’s house recently to connect with someone who was visiting for a couple of weeks from overseas. There were about 15 people there when I arrived, sitting around, chatting, having a few drinks and eating some snacks. During the evening, I was totally surprised by the number of people who, when pings sounded from phones, reached into their handbag or their pocket …