“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” (Lewis Carroll)
In 2007, Apple launched the iPod. A device designed to containerise music into one place allowing us to metaphorically have our entire music collection in our pocket to listen to whenever and wherever we wanted. It delivered convenience. It’s sole purpose was to eliminate the need to have to carry a music player and music (CD’s or cassettes). It simplified things. In 2010 when the first iPhone was released it was designed to containerise into one device our music plus our mobile phone into a single device. It’s purpose, to simplify things. Alice in Wonderland author, Lewis Carroll’s quote “if …
Too much to do, too little time??
A recent Sydney Morning Herald article explored research that ”… Australian’s now do an average of 4.6 hours of unpaid work every week, adding up to more than six weeks over the course of a year.” Whilst “getting back” the average 4.6 hours each week may or may not be realistic in your world, getting back some time is better than nothing! When working with organisations and their teams, they get excited when they see a technology tool or feature that fast tracks a regular task. Their mind starts considering how this will impact their day to day and metaphorical …
Communication is what matters right now!
I’m one for getting off technology to focus on the things that matter. But right now, we need to do the opposite. We need to leverage technology to connect with those who matter, whether it be your team who is working remotely during this challenging time or whether it’s family members to check in on them. Staying connected with our business communities, local community and family is what’s going to keep us from feeling isolated. When we are feeling or physically alone, sometimes the chatter starts in our heads and we catastrophise. A bit like when you wake up at …
3 Tips for teams working from home
One of the challenges facing organisations who have staff working from home is to keep them feeling engaged and connected rather than distracted and isolated. With no shortage of technology, we now need to leverage it to help guide and support our teams working from home in this time of uncertainty. What can we do? Utilise this down time to upskill how your team use everyday (Microsoft Office) software and encourage collaboration. Leverage existing technology to create connection and community in uncertain times Create a framework for your team to work collaboratively to solve their everyday problems Donna Hanson works …
Changing times, but are you changing with them?
In business, now more than ever, we need to bring people together in a new framework of collaboration. We’re all in this together, how can we continue to support each other and our clients in a way that creates and builds true connectivity in the workplace. I was having a conversation yesterday with a colleague about the challenging times the world is in. Perhaps it’s time we focus on how we can better leverage the technology we already have to meet the human need for “connectivity” in times of uncertainty. Good to see what some organisations are going to maintain …
The Power of No!
It’s said if you want something done, ask the busiest person! However, if you are someone who loves to help colleagues or serve clients, sometimes you need to say NO. Saying no can release you from the burden of doing something that would increase your stress levels when you may already feel overloaded. Sometimes people ask for your help, but don’t realise that what you are asking isn’t in your area of expertise, they just recognise you as a problem solver. I love to solve people’s problems and make life easier, but sometimes I just have to say no. The …
Band Aid® or a Strategy?
When I work with a client’s staff in one on one scenarios, I am regularly told how stressed they feel because they can’t or don’t know how to do what they need to do to get their job done. Some have admitted to even taking home their work at night or on weekends, losing time with family simply because they don’t want to let others know they can’t get things done. Technology can be one of the most effective or challenging aspects of the modern workplace. It has the ability to make life much easier, when you know how, or …
The Power of a Mastermind
The concept of a mastermind has been around for centuries. Our predecessors shared stories of events and activities with others which were passed down over generations. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich credited the principle which he first learnt about from Andrew Carnegie, as a key to success in business. It is common in business today, collaboration groups for business owners such as BNI (Business Networking International), executive teams and boards. However, the principle itself has been largely overlooked as a tool to be utilised elsewhere in organisations to aid in support, collaboration, engagement and retention of staff. …
Communicating your appreciation
According to a study by Hays Recruitment1, 40% of Australians plan to change jobs this financial year. Many people think money is the main reason people leave, whilst it was 41% in this survey, other reasons cited included lack of promotional opportunities (53%), lack of new challenges (42%), poor training and development and poor work-life balance both at 27%. So, how can you provide challenge, training and development opportunities and work-life balance for your team? What are you, or SHOULD you be doing to communicate how much you value your team members? https://www.hays.com.au/press-releases/HAYS_2048450 Donna Hanson works with organisations to unlock …
Productivity Transformation
Whilst recently tidying up some paperwork, I came across a 1990 to current day timeline I’d put together of world events and technology changes. A range of incidents and activities have changed how we see the world and how we do business. We’ve seen transformation in energy as we look to sustainable alternatives such as wind and solar, as well as significant transformation in technology. From mobile (cell) phones, to smartphones, apps and cloud computing, how we use, access and leverage technology has transformed, but personal productivity hasn’t necessarily increased. Which raises the question…Why do we seem to be doing …