Drowning in Data?
According to Harvard Business Review’s The Workplace Evolution Pulse Survey1 “Employees are often either drowning in data and content or don’t know where to find it. In a large organization, knowledge may be hidden in hundreds of different systems or emails or documents.” Whilst enterprise collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams, Slack or Asana help containerise content, unless staff know, and are regularly reminded, where to look, they will continue to lose hundreds of hours looking for the information they need. When one of our clients first purchased access to our on-line knowledge bank of resources, their intent was …
Productivity Bahamas Style
I joke in my presentations about Productivity, Bahamas style. I use it in the context of the volume of work we deal with in today’s business world and what happens when we have a pleasurable deadline looming. Productivity Bahamas style is the ability we miraculously acquire prior to going on a holiday. It is the ability to easily determine the MUST be done before you leave tasks and activities and isolate those that can wait until your return. But what if we applied it every day? When working with clients I often hear of processes that staff do a certain …
Constructive Communication
I was interviewed on breakfast television about managing email when I was asked an interesting question. It wasn’t scripted or planned and, in fact, I’d never been asked that question before. “How do you know if the tone of your email is correct?” the interviewer asked. I paused for a moment before answering “if you are asking yourself that question, it’s probably a sign that you should be having a conversation instead.” After the interview, I reflected on the question. In business today we have become so email focussed. Whether it is to “cover” us from being told off or …
Time for Thinking
There are points where organizations tend to take time to reflect on the past and the future. Traditionally these are at the end of the calendar and/or fiscal year. But reality is, regular thinking time is great for productivity. Management guru Peter Drucker once said “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection, will come even more effective action.” In a world of 24/7 ON, we often make the time to reflect and observe our experiences, decisions and interactions. We are too busy moving onto the next item on our to do list. It’s very easy to be …
It’s not a miracle, it’s doing the work!
When I speak with prospective clients about programs they want to conduct, many think it is a matter of simply coming in, delivering some skills and walking out the door. That somehow the result will be a miraculously regenerated team who are excited and engaged and will never require training again! Unfortunately, I don’t perform miracles. Rather when I present, I educate, motivate and inspire participants and their teams to look at what and how they can work differently to reduce stress and risk and make life easier. It’s easy to be engaged in the moment, but the real work …
Are You Getting Better?
The promise of technology was that it was supposed to make our lives easier and simpler, but reality is it appears to have created more work and is changing at a pace at a speed we never anticipated. When I start work with a new client, we explore the outcomes they want to achieve for themselves or their team. Some want to analyse data faster, some want to create more sophisticated charts, others want to learn to automate common processes. However, these are all activities. What every single client wants for themselves and their teams is more time! One of …
The KISS Principle
Ever read a letter or email, gotten to the end only to say to yourself “I have no idea?” Maybe you have no idea what the writer was trying to tell you, or no idea what the writer wants or expects you to do, or you are just totally confused by its purpose. Too often, particularly in written communication, people “waffle”. If it is something the writer is familiar with, because they either deal with the situation or the language every day, to the receiver it can seem like another language. A bit like internal acronyms in an organisation. When …
At a recent conference I heard Dr Robert Cialdini, Psychology and Marketing Professor and author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion speak about the concept of reciprocity. He spoke about the importance of giving first if we want to receive. When we show effort, people appreciate it more. In the workplace when you help or support a colleague by sharing ideas, insights or wisdom that helps someone’s life or work, the giver tends to feel good and the receiver, who may have not felt good, usually feels better. Whether it is a sounding board for dealing with a challenging client …
The idea of rejection
No one likes being rejected, told no, or that they aren’t good at what they do. We often do everything we can to avoid the possibility of it by not asking for what we want or not saying we don’t know something. At a recent conference I heard Jia Jiang speak. Jia spoke about his fear of rejection and his 100 days of rejection therapy that he undertook to desensitise himself to rejection or hearing No! If you haven’t heard or seen Jia’s story take a look at his Ted talk on the topic, it has over 5.7 million views …
Who says ideas don’t come cheap?
The iconic Nike swish symbol is said to have cost only US$35 yet it’s contemporary concept has delivered value globally for years for the brand. Whilst this is a rare example, I believe most organisations expect that to achieve spectacular results requires significant investment. Depending on the circumstances and the outcome you are seeking, that may be true, but in many cases ideas can and DO come cheap, it’s just human nature is that we tend to overlook the obvious. When working with clients, one of the early things I show them is how to leverage ‘Find and Select’ in …